

Changes and Updates to the FDA’s Guidance on Non-Proprietary Naming of Biotech Products

On Thursday, March 7, the FDA published a draft supplementary guidance on non-proprietary naming of biological products <here>, which updates the January 2017 Final Guidance on Nonproprietary Naming of Biological Products <here>.  Both of these guidance documents address the FDA’s requirement for including a four-letter nonsense suffix in the proper name for biological products.  This […]

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Town Crier Yelling Message

Day Two at AAM Annual Meeting – The Big Guns Come out

Day Two started with a recap of Day One (see post from yesterday here) by Dr. Nancy Snyderman. Day Two kicked off with a session entitled Generics Help Patients, How Can Patients Help Generics.  This centered on digital virtual prescribing, digital physician visits, and what’s going on in that space.  The panelists described the impact […]

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Piggy bank on money concept for business finance, investment and saving

AAM Annual Report on Generic Drug Savings Hits the Street

Each year, the Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM) publishes its report on generic drug savings (here).  The data is based on the independent IQVIA organization’s findings.  Some interesting findings in the forty-page report are outlined below: 93% of generic prescriptions are filled at $20 or less. The average co-pay of for a generic product covered […]

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Gottlieb Hints at Biosimilar Scare Tactics; Is There Any Surprise Here?

Shortly after the 1984 Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act (Hatch-Waxman) was passed (the legislation that greatly expanded the universe for generic drug products), and even before the first generic under the new legislation was passed, a campaign was initiated to undermine the public’s confidence in generic drugs.  Major pharmaceutical companies began petitioning […]

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Big Year for NMEs at FDA

In 2018, the FDA says it approved fifty-nine new molecular entities, which included a whopping thirteen biosimilar products.  All of the NME product approvals can be found here. It is important for you the read the FDA explanation of how the Agency is defining NMEs for the purposes of this report and stay focused on […]

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Happy Holidays from Us to You!

To all of our readers – Have a happy holiday season and a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.  The Lachman blog will be taking a break over the holiday starting Friday, December 21st (unless something extremely urgent occurs) and I hope that all of you will rejoin me in the New Year as […]

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FDA Publishes a Bonanza of Regulatory Documents on Biotech Products – a Deeper Dive

Many thanks to the FDA for publishing several important new and revised guidances and a proposed rule related to the Biopharmaceutical industry this week.  These include a finalized version of the “Deemed to be a License” Guidance for industry (here) with several important revisions and additions relative to the previously published draft, a Q&A Guidance […]

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Q&A Document on the Transition of Certain Protein Products Approved Under Section 505 of the Act to Deemed Approved Licensed Product

Well, since the first draft guidance on the “deemed approved” transition provisions of the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009 (BPCI Act), we have been waiting to learn more about the specific process and for answers to a number of questions.  FDA just issued a second revision of the question and answers document […]

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