
OGD Posts Its Official February 2024 Monthly Statistical Report - Lachman Blog

OGD Posts Its Official February 2024 Monthly Statistical Report

This month we will pat ourselves on the back as we captured the correct number of approval and tentative approval actions in our calculation of the unofficial numbers in our post here. We were more patient when looking at the February data from the daily approval page (which must be pieced together because it only […]

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Mid-Month Peek at Unofficial OGD Approvals for February 2024 - Lachman Blog

Mid-Month Peek at Unofficial OGD Approvals for February 2024

Based on approvals posted through February 16, 2024, the OGD has issued 28 full-approval actions and 5 tentative-approval actions so far in the month of February. Given that February is a short month to start with and has one federal holiday, we may get additional help as it’s a leap year and the additional day may […]

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OGD Publishes Its Official December FY2024 Statistical Report 

Well, the first full quarter of FY 2024 results are in (here) and, while hardly astonishing by current standards, there was some good news revealed regarding new ANDA submissions.  Also, in a later post, we will provide our first full fiscal year estimates of ANDAs approved and received.  The OGD officially issued 53 approval actions in […]

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Information for the mass

More Info from the AAM Annual Meeting Regulatory and Policy Meeting

During her session yesterday at the AAM Annual Meeting, Iilun Murphy, M.D. provided additional details on the 2023 OGD metrics, indicating that there were 950 ANDAs approved and tentatively approved (782 and 172 approvals, respectively).  Of the approvals, there were 90 first generics, along with 83 generics with Competitive Generic Therapy Designation, and 111 complex […]

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The Court Case That Could Have Implications Beyond Its Borders - Lachman Blog

The Court Case That Could Have Implications Beyond Its Borders

This morning, when I read a Decision and Order issued by the United States Court of Federal Claims regarding a motion that was granted in part, denied in part, and filed on behalf of a pharmaceutical company and the FDA, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. Now, I must state […]

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