Well, it must be true that April showers bring May flowers. A shower of approvals in April is something we haven’t seen in a while. The OGD unofficially issued sixty-eight full-approval actions and eleven tentative-approval actions for a total of seventy-nine for the month. We still must wait for the official numbers to be posted, but they should not be less than what we report here.

With full-approval numbers slowly dipping to what we worried would be a steady state in the 50s, we’ve been hoping that this would not be the new normal. Then along comes April and the OGD seems to be heading back in the right direction. The OGD has mentioned that approval times for new applications have been improving, but the total number of approvals seemed to be lagging until April. Let’s hope, when the official numbers come out in about two months, that we’ll see this trend continue in May and June. We will keep you informed!