

FY 2022 GDUFA Science and Research Report – Impressive Findings and Conclusions

If you’ve finished reading War and Peace, I have another thriller for you to sink your teeth into.  The FY 2022 GDUFA Science and Research Report (here) provides 134 pages of interesting discussions on the OGD’s GDUFA research projects, the outcomes and benefits derived from the research initiatives as translated into Product Specific Guidances (PSGs) for […]

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FDA Provides Thanksgiving Gift of 49 New and Revised Product Specific Guidances (PSGs)

In its never-ending quest to provide timely guidance on bioequivalence requirements for generic versions of brand name products, today, the FDA published 29 new and 20 revised BE guidance recommendations in the pre-publication of Federal Register Notice (here) as well as on their website (here, hint: look for the newly added and revised links on […]

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GDUFA III Raises Hopes for Surprise PSG Issuance or Revision

GDUFA III Raises Hopes for Surprise PSG Issuance/Revision Explained at AAM’s GRx-Biosims Conference The product specific guidance (PSG) has been a big help to industry in outlining the requirements for establishing bioequivalence requirements for generic drug products.  OGD has issued over 2000 PSGs since the practice began.  While this has been a big boon to […]

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In a Very Topical Manner, FDA Introduces Guidance Documents to Get Under Your Skin

Last Friday, FDA issued four (4) guidance documents that establish the FDA’s current thinking on requirements for establishing sameness and bioequivalence of topical products.  They cover in vitro permeation testing, in vitro release studies, Q3 characterization studies, and studies required for corticosteroids of medium and high potency. While there have been many documents and discussions […]

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More PSGs Added and Revised

Today in a prepublication Federal Register notice, (due to be published tomorrow), the FDA announced the addition of 29 new and 19 revised product specific guidance (PSG) documents.  The Agency acknowledges that, “as part of FDA’s commitments under the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments Reauthorization of 2017 (GDUFA II), FDA will publish guidances for reference […]

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Age and Sex in ANDA Bioequivalence Studies – Discrimination Could Cause Problems!

On February 24, 2022, the Small Business and Industry Assistance (SBIA) group at the FDA hosted a webinar titled Bioequivalence Studies with Pharmacokinetic Endpoints for Drugs Submitted Under an ANDA (you can view the recording here).  The goal was to describe the eight major changes to the August 2021 revision to the guidance Bioequivalence Studies […]

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FDA Announces the Issuance of New PSGs

Today, FDA issued a Federal Register notice (here) announcing the release of 24 new product specific guidances (PSGs) and 20 revised guidances. These guidances provide the FDA’s current thinking on the methods to establish bioequivalence for specific products. The new and revised guidances can be found on the FDA webpage here. Please note that, as […]

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Big Day for FDA and OGD Bioequivalence Information

Today, the FDA announced the issuance of a revised draft guidance titled Bioequivalence Studies With Pharmacokinetic Endpoints for Drugs Submitted Under an ANDA Guidance for Industry (here).  This 42‑page guidance supersedes the December 2013 draft guidance of the same name.  The document provides updated recommendations and the FDA’s current thinking on the general concepts for […]

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Outlining COVID-19 Safety Expectations for ANDA BE Studies

On January 15, 2021, the FDA issued the guidance titled “Protecting Participants in Bioequivalence Studies for Abbreviated New Drug Applications During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency”.  This guidance provides recommendations to study sponsors for the continuation or initiation of their bioequivalence (BE) studies during this COVID-19 public health emergency.  As is no surprise, FDA clearly […]

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