
Annex 1: A Step Increase in Sterile Manufacturing Requirements

A 300% increase in anything gets attention, however, when it is a “rule governing medicinal product in the European Union” it demands attention and action (EudraLex – Volume 4 (europa.eu)).  Annex 1 which is the guide for the “Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products” (20220825_gmp-an1_en_0.pdf (europa.eu)) was just released on 22 August 2022.  This document is […]

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“GMP By the Sea” Reflections

In-person conferences continue to emerge as evidenced by the recent “GMP by the Sea” held on August 15, 16, 17th in Cambridge, MD.  A well balanced conference, led by regulatory leaders, provided relevant “look backs” as well as prospective “look forwards” giving attendees a collective perspective of learning from the past as well as a […]

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Young man looks at road map near on mountain road, Switzerland

To Measure or Not to Measure, Quality Metrics Is the Question!

The creation, tracking, and publication of quality metrics has long been a source of sensitivity and confusion.  People may fear them because they feel that they don’t tell the whole story or that they may invite criticism and misinterpretation.  Thus, quality metrics were held tightly close to the chest of business leaders.  Deming identified this […]

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